Manufacturer and exporter of insecticide, herbicide, fungicide, intermediate, pesticide.

Product List

>>  Insecticides
>>  Herbicides
>>  Fungicides
>>  Intermediate
>>  Bio Pesticides
>>  Plant Growth Regulator
>>  Packing Details

86- 25- 52705499
Mobile: 86-13338638455

George Young


Acetamiprid Cartap
Etofenprox Imazethapyr
Metalaxyl-M Nicosulfuron
Thiamethoxam Clopyralid
Emamectin Benzoate Fenoxaprop-p-ethyl
Bacillus Thuringiensis Metsulfuron
Penconazole Abamectin
Tebuconazole Tribenuron
Kresoxim-methyl Bispyribac-Sodium


Registration service
A team assigned for registration in our company supply professional registration service. Majoring in crop protection, they are familiar with the stipulations on registration. With much experience, they always make registration data carefully and attentively.

Formulation service
We are stronger in pesticide formulating. Along with advanced equipment, leading technique and experienced experts, we Nanjing Essence can supply diverse formulations such as WDG, WP, SP, SC, SL, EC, WS and FS etc.

Technology support and consulting service
We have advantage on technology especially on formulating. Our technology authorities and experts act as consultants whenever our customers have any problem on agrochemical and crop protection.

Sample service
Sample customization is one part of our quality service. In general, samples are available within 48 hours and our clerks will send them to our customers as quickly as scheduled.

After-sale service
Excellent service represents in every period of sales especially after sale, which make each deal with our customers carried out successfully.

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