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Acetamiprid Cartap
Etofenprox Imazethapyr
Metalaxyl-M Nicosulfuron
Thiamethoxam Clopyralid
Emamectin Benzoate Fenoxaprop-p-ethyl
Bacillus Thuringiensis Metsulfuron
Penconazole Abamectin
Tebuconazole Tribenuron
Kresoxim-methyl Bispyribac-Sodium

Products >>Herbicide >> Bensulfuron-methyl


Bensulfuron-methyl 95%TC, Bensulfuron-methyl 60%WDG

HRAC B WSSA 2; sulfonylurea


Common name bensulfuron-methyl
Chemical Abstracts name methyl 2-[[[[[(4,6-dimethoxypyrimidin-2-yl)-amino]carbonyl]amino]sulfonyl]methyl]benzoate
CAS RN [83055-99-6] EEC no. 401-340-6 Development codes DPX-F5384 (Du Pont)

Common name bensulfuron (BSI, ANSI, WSSA, draft E-ISO, (m) draft F-ISO)
IUPAC name a-(4,6-dimethoxypyrimidin-2-ylcarbamoylsulfamoyl)-o-toluic acid
Chemical Abstracts name 2-[[[[[(4,6-dimethoxy-2-pyrimidinyl)amino]carbonyl]amino]sulfonyl]methyl]benzoic acid
CAS RN [99283-01-9]

Mol. wt. 396.4 M.f. C15H16N4O7S

Biochemistry Branched chain amino acid synthesis (ALS or AHAS) inhibitor. Acts by inhibiting biosynthesis of the essential amino acids valine and isoleucine, hence stopping cell division and plant growth. Selectivity is due to rapid metabolism in the crop. Metabolic basis of selectivity reviewed (M. K. Koeppe & H. M. Brown, Agro-Food-Industry, 6, 9-14 (1995)). Mode of action Selective systemic herbicide, absorbed by the foliage and roots, with rapid translocation to the meristematic tissues. Uses Selective pre- and post-emergence control of annual and perennial weeds and sedges (e.g. Butomus umbellatus, Scirpus maritimus, Scirpus mucronatus, Alisma plantago-aquatica, Sparganium erectum, Cyperus spp., Typha spp., etc.) in continuously flooded rice, at 30-100 g/ha. Formulation types GR; WG; WP. Selected tradenames: 'Londax' (Du Pont); mixtures: 'Fujigrass' (+ esprocarb) (Du Pont, Syngenta); 'Kusastop' (+ indanofan) (Mitsubishi Chemical); 'Wolf-Ace' (+ mefenacet+ thiobencarb) (Kumiai); 'Zark' (+ mefenacet) (Du Pont, Kumiai, Nihon Bayer, Sankyo)

'Rozal' (Du Pont); 'Escuri' (Crystal); 'Papika A I Kilo' (Nihon Nohyaku, Hokko) mixtures: 'Bazooka A' (+ azimsulfuron+ cyhalofop-butyl) (Nihon Nohyaku, Hokko, Tokuyama, Du Pont); 'Bazooka' (+ cyhalofop-butyl+ thenylchlor) (Nihon Nohyaku, Hokko, Tokuyama, Du Pont); 'Papika A' (+ azimsulfuron+ cyhalofop-butyl+ thenylchlor) (Tokuyama, Nihon Nohyaku, Hokko, Du Pont); 'Papika' (+ cyhalofop-butyl+ thenylchlor) (Tokuyama, Nihon Nohyaku, Hokko, Du Pont); 'Sindax' (+ metsulfuron-methyl) (Du Pont); 'Weedless A36' (+ azimsulfuron+ cafenstrole+ daimuron) (Sankyo, Du Pont, Eikou Kasei, SDS Biotech KK); 'Cao Neng' (+ quinclorac) (Anhui); 'Dancing A' (+ azimsulfuron+ indanofan) (Mitsubishi Chemical); 'Dancing L' (+ indanofan) (Mitsubishi Chemical); 'Dancing-Power A' (+ azimsulfuron+ clomeprop+ indanofan) (Mitsubishi Chemical); 'Dancing-Power L' (+ clomeprop+ indanofan) (Mitsubishi Chemical); 'Dinaman' (+ clomeprop+ indanofan) (Mitsubishi Chemical); 'Inegreen D' (+ cyhalofop-butyl+ daimuron+ mefenacet) (Nihon Bayer); 'Inegreen' (+ cyhalofop-butyl+ mefenacet) (Nihon Bayer); 'Joystar' (+ cafenstrole+ cyhalofop-butyl+ daimuron) (Kumiai); 'Karshot' (+ pyributicarb) (Sankyo); 'Kusamets FL' (+ thenylchlor) (Nihon Nohyaku, Tokuyama, Hokko); 'Kusastop A' (+ azimsulfuron+ indanofan) (Mitsubishi Chemical); 'Kusatory Ace Jumbo' (+ cafenstrole+ daimuron) (Sankyo); 'Kusatory E Jumbo' (+ pyributicarb) (Sankyo); 'Londanil' (+ propanil) (Crystal); 'Masakari A Jumbo' (+ azimsulfuron+ clomeprop+ indanofan) (Mitsubishi Chemical); 'Masakari L Jumbo' (+ clomeprop+ indanofan) (Mitsubishi Chemical); 'Non-Poong' (+ benfuresate) (Aventis); 'Push' (+ dimepiperate) (Hokko); 'Rakudar' (+ cafenstrole+ daimuron) (Sankyo); 'Ranger' (+ benfuresate+ dimepiperate) (Aventis, Hokko); 'Tabijin A' (+ azimsulfuron+ cyhalofop-butyl+ pretilachlor+ pyriminobac-methyl) (Kumiai); 'Weedless' (+ cafenstrole+ daimuron) (Sankyo); 'Zark D' (+ daimuron+ mefenacet) (Sankyo) Discontinued names: 'Mariner' * (Du Pont) mixtures: 'Kusatory Jumbo' * (+ daimuron+ pyributicarb) (Sankyo)

Product and residue analysis by hplc. Methods for sulfonylurea residues in crops, soil and water reviewed (A. C. Barefoot et al., Proc. Br. Crop Prot. Conf. - Weeds, 1995, 2, 707). Details from Du Pont.

Oral Acute oral LD50 for rats >5000, mice >10 985 mg/kg. Skin and eye Acute percutaneous LD50 for rabbits >2000 mg/kg. Non-irritant to skin and eyes. Inhalation LC50 (4 h) for rats >7.5 mg/l air. NOEL (2 y) for rats 750 mg/kg diet. Reproduction (2-generation) NOEL in rats 7500 mg/kg diet; teratogenicity NOEL in rats 500, rabbits 300 mg/kg. Not a mutagen. ADI 0.2 mg/kg. Toxicity class WHO (a.i.) III (Table 5); EPA (formulation) IV EC hazard R43| N; R51, R53

Birds Acute oral LD50 for mallard ducks >2510 mg/kg. Dietary LC50 (8 d) for bobwhite quail, mallard ducks >5620 mg/l. Fish LC50 (96 h) for rainbow trout and bluegill sunfish >150 mg/l; LC50 (48 h) for carp >1000 ppm. Daphnia LC50 (48 h) >100 mg/l. Bees LD50 >12.5 mg/bee.

Animals Almost completely biotransformed and rapidly excreted in urine and faeces of rats and goats. Plants After uptake by rice, converted to a non-herbicidal metabolite. Soil/Environment DT50 4-20 w on Flanagan and Keyport silt loam soils. In rice fields, DT50 in water averages 4-6 d.

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